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L-arginine normalizes endothelial function in cerebral vessels from hypercholesterolemic rabbits.




We hypothesized that normal vascular reactivity could be restored in vessels from hypercholesterolemic animals by exposing them to L-arginine, the precursor of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF). Basilar arteries were harvested from New Zealand white rabbits fed normal chow or that supplemented with 2% cholesterol for 10 wk. Vessels were cannulated for perfusion at physiologic pressure. Changes in vessel diameter were monitored by videomicroscopy. In comparison to normal vessels, those from hypercholesterolemic animals vasoconstricted more to KCl, endothelin (E), and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). Conversely, vasodilation to acetylcholine (ACh) (but not that to verapamil) was significantly impaired in the hypercholesterolemic animals. In vitro administration of L-arginine (3 mM) for 45 min normalized vasodilation to ACh and vasoconstriction to E, 5-HT, and KCl in the isolated vessels from hypercholesterolemic animals. This effect was stereospecific, since D-arginine had no effect. To conclude, these data confirm that hypercholesterolemia attenuates endothelium-derived relaxation, and enhances the sensitivity of these vessels to vasoconstrictors. In vitro administration of L-arginine normalized vascular reactivity of isolated vessels from hypercholesterolemic animals. Thus, hypercholesterolemia induces a reversible endothelial dysfunction that may be corrected by supplying the precursor of EDRF, L-arginine.
机译:我们假设高胆固醇血症动物的血管可以通过将它们暴露于L-精氨酸(内皮源性舒张因子(EDRF)的前体)来恢复正常的血管反应性。从正常饮食或补充2%胆固醇的新西兰白兔收获10周的基底动脉。插管以在生理压力下进行灌注。通过视频显微镜监测血管直径的变化。与正常血管相比,来自高胆固醇血症动物的血管更多地收缩至氯化钾,内皮素(E)和5-羟色胺(5-HT)。相反,在高胆固醇血症动物中,乙酰胆碱(ACh)的血管舒张作用(而非维拉帕米不是)。在高胆固醇血症动物的分离血管中,体外给予L-精氨酸(3 mM)45分钟,使ACh的血管舒张正常化,对E,5-HT和KCl的血管收缩正常化。因为D-精氨酸没有作用,所以该作用是立体特异性的。总而言之,这些数据证实高胆固醇血症减弱了内皮衍生的松弛,并增强了这些血管对血管收缩剂的敏感性。 L-精氨酸的体外给药使来自高胆固醇血症动物的分离血管的血管反应性标准化。因此,高胆固醇血症引起可逆的内皮功能障碍,可通过提供EDRF的前体L-精氨酸来纠正。



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